Prototyping Tools Redesigning the Neonatal ICU 2014


What is a “low-res” prototype? “Prototyping is the iterative development of artifacts – digital, physical, or experiential – intended to elicit qualitative or quantitative feedback.” (Geehr, 2008)

A draft
A 2D idea come to life in 3D form
Mock up of an idea in real life
Low fidelity
Role play
A way to communicate an idea
A low resolution prototype is not:
  • Precious
  • A model of an idea
  • Something you are attached to and can’t throw away
  • A sales pitch
  • Perfect
  • Refined
  • Time intensive
  • Pretty

After the ideation phase, you have a mountain of ideas, some of which you’d like to pursue. Prototyping allows you to fully explore all of those concepts you want to evaluate. You prototype because you need to explore your options — to try things and fail, further informing your design process. Prototyping is a way to do your due diligence on the concepts that came out of ideation. Get your hands dirty! Click that mouse! Bias toward action! If a picture is worth a thousand words, a prototype is worth a thousand pictures. Here are some visual examples of what low resolution prototypes might look like:


Low Resolution Prototype Video 1

Higher Resolution Prototypes Video 2